Feb 27Liked by José J. Rodríguez

What a cool honor! Your work is excellent, José, and I feel like we are both finding our way in the writing world.

I think the thing I love most about sci-fi is that it simply reframes all of these more fundamental questions about ourselves, so we start to question basic assumptions about what it means to think, etc. AI does that as well... it's no coincidence that I keep revisiting those two arenas of thought!

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Feb 27Liked by José J. Rodríguez

Thanks José! You are way too kind.

The potential ethical questions surrounding AI are fascinating, aren't they!? These are the sorts of questions that keep me up at night -- not because I'm worried, but because it's so interesting.

How did you like Pluto? I've heard great things -- would you recommend it to someone who is not into anime?

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